Monday 16 May 2016

Let's Start With a BANG!!!!!!

 You and me are completely different, we only have one thing in common we have what I would call an addiction to music. To me each song has its own story that we try to understand but since we are all different we all see different stories. This blog is what I see in the songs I like. There is so many types of music in different genres and language but each song has these stereotypes that the singer put in. What I am trying to do its to find them and show them to viewers like you guys. Have you ever noticed that in songs that  there is a meaning I also want to find that for you guys too. Music is what keeps me going, the "tunes" have this soothing effect the makes me think everything is going to be OK and puts me in a whole new world that takes all the stress away and helps me face it too.

The song I chose today is Wherever I Go By One Republic . The reason why I chose this song is because I feel like wherever I go the music follows... Even my own heart has its own beat :) It doesn't to be written by a artist it just could be the pattern that your feet walk in. So this is why I chose this song.    

The Lyrics  
  I know I could lie but I'm telling the truth
Wherever I go there's a shadow of you
I know I could try looking for something new
But wherever I go I'll be looking for you
Some people lie but they're looking for magic
Others are quietly going insane
I feel alive when I'm close to the madness
No easy love could ever make me feel the same
I know I could lie but I won't lie to you
Wherever I go you're the ghost in the room
I don't even try looking for something new
Cause' wherever I go I'll be looking for you
Some people try but they can't find the magic
Others get down on their knees and they pray
I come alive when I'm close to the madness
No easy love could ever make me feel the same
Make me feel the same
Make me feel the same, same, same
I know I could lie but I'm telling the truth
Wherever I go there's a shadow of you
I know I could try looking for something new
But wherever I go I'll be looking for you
Wherever I go I'll be looking for you, you
Some people pray at their god for some magic
Cause' no easy love could ever make them feel the same
No easy love could ever make me feel the same
Make me feel the same, same, same
I know I could lie but I'm telling the truth
Wherever I go there's a shadow of you
I know I could try looking for something new
But wherever I go I'll be looking for you
You think it's a lie but I'm telling the truth
Wherever I go I'll be looking for you
Wherever I go I'll be looking for you  

    I feel like what this song is trying to say is there is this one thing that we can't live without it for some people its like these objects like a phone or their sunglasses. For some people it could be a friend or family member that helped them through a lot of stuff. Or for some people like me it could be music. For me music is what keeps me sane. With music you can block out the world and be in your own world. 
    The first quote I want to talk about is "Some people try but they can't find the magic"  I feel like this quote is trying to say is people try to find a passion but they cant find that sparks that make them wonder and fall in love with it. Another quote I want to talk about is "Others are quietly going insane"  I feel that this quote is talking about when are doing something that you don't really like but you have no choice but to do it. The last quote I want to do is "But where I go, I'll looking for you" I think this quote is talking about when you find something you like you never want to let it go,and if you ever lose it you will always be looking for it no matter what you think. 

Have you noticed in a song there is that one line that makes the whole song better?  Each time I do a post I'm going to do the Best Quote for each song I do and why I chose it too.

Best Quote 
"wherever I go, you're the ghost in the room"
The reason why I chose this quote is because I feel like wherever you go the music follows you no matter how hard you try to get rid of it. I also chose it you can't see it but you can only here it, just like a ghost. 

Thank You For Reading My Post!!!! 

P.S I feel like I do this ALL the time........ I hope I started with a bang......BANG!!!!! :)



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